Monday, September 1, 2008

My Friend: Pondi

First, I shall tell his actual name, that is Shailendra and his pet name Monu. But how and when he became Pondi? One more thing that among our friends more call him Pondi than his original name.

He was named Pondi by Mohit Mahadik. Shailendra called Mohit by some funny name and then Mohit called him Pondi. Funny name for Mohit did not lasted but Pondi.

Pondi joined our school in standard VI. He and Sunil Gupta joined Burgess School as both left Christan School after 5th. Though we all were in same class but till 7th they were not closer to me. From 8th Sunil became my friend, but not Pondi, may I disliked him at that time, but I preferred Sunil's company. Slowly or gradually, Sunil's company changed and Pondi became closer to me. I think the reason behind that may be the likeness of subjects. I, Shrikant, Pondi preferred Maths in Science group, Whereas Sunil preferred Biology.

There was a time when I needed Pondi as companion in any thing, be it school function, study, party, etc. One reason for me to be dependent on him, was that he lived nearest to my place of living. I liked him very much.

One thing for which I disliked him was not keeping his words regarding to time. Many times he asked for any thing at certain time, but he never get ready on that time. He is most unpunctual, I ever met. Many times I got irritated over him for this. He also used to make false promises. Once I and he were returning from some place, and both of us were invited by Mohan for lunch. We were already late, and Mohan called us asking by what time we will reach to Mohan's house. Knowing that we were at least 20 minutes away, he said to Mohan over phone that we will reach by 10 min. At that time my irritation overtook my patience and I scolded him, that why he is making false promises. If we are 20 minutes away, then we shall tell Mohan that it will take another 25 minutes. Its his nature to give time, knowing that he will not be able to follow that time.

The things I liked of him that he was instant in giving comic replies. He is also very dutiful to his parents. He is also able to mis up with other peoples, which I can't (Shrikant and Mohan or Abdul also can't). He is never shy of doing work at public places.

One thing I like to mention his story of stolen bicycle. He went for computer classes and placed his bicycle in place for parking. While coming out of his classes he noticed that his bicycle is stolen. He depressed returning to his home by walking. On the way he noticed one unlocked bicycle without owner. He silently went near to that and ran away with others bicycle. He told this to us. We enquired what he told to his fathers as his own cycle was not there. He replied that someone may have mistaken for his bicycle and took others, and when he came out of classes, he noticed that his cycle was missing but other cycle was there without owner. Someone has done unintentionally and the cycle interchanged.

There are many stories to write about him. But trying to put the Posts limited, so ending with the message to him:

"Dear Pondi, I miss you you very much. You read this and if found anything objectionable, please inform me."

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